
Naomi Shiono

Head of Sixth Form Music/Japanese

Sixth Form Co-ordinator

Preferred Instrument – Violin & Piano

Ms Naomi Shiono teaches Music and Japanese at Kimichi School. She began teaching music at Kimichi School in October 2018 after teaching at Ark Kings as a peripatetic teacher on violin and piano. She is a freelance violinist, playing at weddings and for shows around the West Midlands with additional private tuition on the side. She is also co-leader of the Birmingham Philharmonic Orchestra and plays with many orchestras around the Midlands. Ms Shiono gained a music scholarship to Solihull School and commuted to lessons with Maureen Smith of the Royal College of Music. She then continued her studies at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama under the guidance of Elizabeth Layton.

Ms Shiono began teaching Japanese in 2019 with the idea of visiting Japan in the future. She is of Japanese origin and has a good understanding of the culture and language. She has run a Japanese Festivals project which has helped pupils in understanding the global cultural differences.


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