Full Inspection Report

 18th March 2024

Overall outcome:

Kimichi School is once again judged as ‘Good’ with ‘Outstanding’ in behaviour.

This inspection was significantly different in every way from our previous, negative experience and overall result.
We feel rightly vindicated after finally being seen and heard and we are grateful to the HMI team for their time and understanding.

You can read the full report here: Final Report – March 2024


School Progress Monitoring Inspection Report

12th September 2023

Overall outcome:

The school meets all of the independent school standards that were checked during this inspection

Key Highlights:

  • There is an appropriate curriculum policy in place that outlines a broad curriculum offer. The schemes of work and associated planning take into account the ages and aptitudes of the pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
  • Staff demonstrate a good understanding of the needs and prior attainment of the pupils. They make suitable adaptations to their teaching to ensure all pupils make progress.
  • Teachers use a range of assessment strategies to inform their teaching. Staff address misconceptions quickly and give additional explanations to pupils to secure their understanding.
  • Leaders are suitably trained in a range of safeguarding areas, including safer recruitment. They continue to demonstrate a good understanding of how to ensure there is a strong safeguarding culture. Since the last inspection, they have also completed training about the single central record. They have a clear understanding of the checks required for all members of staff.
  • The proprietor has ensured that these independent school standards are met.
  • At the time of the last inspection, it was found that the proprietor had not ensured that all the independent school standards were met.
  • The proprietor, together with leaders, took immediate action to rectify the omissions on the single central record. They created an appropriate action plan and have implemented all the actions.  Leaders demonstrate a secure understanding of the independent school standards. They have the knowledge and experience to ensure that the standards will continue to be met.
  • The proprietor has ensured that the previous unmet independent school standards are now met.

You can read the full report here: https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50230433

Kimichi School Response to:

OFSTED Inspection Final Report, November 2022

Compiled by SA (HT), CP (DHT), KB (CoG), January 2023

We find a considerable number of the statements made to be erroneous or disingenuous at best and officially respond to the following points as identified by us and outlined below:

2 What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

2.2 Leaders do not know and understand the purpose and intent of all the independent school standards well enough. This led to omissions from the single central record that had to be rectified during the inspection.

“Omissions” is misleading and scare-mongering. There was one omission: the prohibited teachers check. The Lead Inspector commented on Section 128 checks with reference to the DHT – they had been completed for Governors. In fact, when HT showed the Lead Inspector the updated SCR with Section 128 checks completed for ALL staff, the Lead Inspector made no comment but passed it. Section 128 checks are only needed for Governors and suggested DHT. Inspector should know and understand the purpose of the SCR.

The prohibited teachers check applies only to unqualified teachers; those who are not under the supervision of the HT or a qualified teacher. All unqualified teachers were under the supervision of the HT. The Act does not specify direct supervision. DfE needs to clarify safeguarding with reference to this check – support workers and TA’s who may well be in the class alone do NOT need these checks. This negates the safeguarding aspect of them, as all staff were DBS checked.

2.4 Some areas of the curriculum are less developed than others. For instance, the topic-based curriculum for younger pupils in the school is a recent change. Leaders are monitoring its development and impact. Some physical education (PE) is taught at a local sports facility. However, a significant element of the PE curriculum takes place on the school premises. Leaders have not ensured that they have the changing and showering facilities required by the independent school standards.

Incorrect – changing facilities are available. Whilst showers were not in place through the inspections, they were being worked on and are now complete.

2.6 Teachers have good subject knowledge which they use to help bring learning to life for their pupils. However, they do not always use the most effective methods to present the content they want pupils to learn. This can occasionally lead to some pupils having to wait too long before they can move on in their learning. As a result, these pupils do not always learn and remember as much as they could.

Inspector mentioned note taking from one specific lesson, but did not reference the lessons that are given to pupils on note taking as mentioned by HT during several conversations. It is concerning that this was not noted in the evidence base.


  1. What does the school need to do to improve? (Information for the school and proprietor)

4.1 Leaders do not know and understand the purpose and intent of all the independent school standards well enough. This means that at the time of the inspection they had not completed all the checks they should. Leaders should make sure that they rapidly develop a thorough understanding of all standards so that they are not reliant on external sources to help them comply with statutory safeguarding requirements.

Inspector mentioned that external sources may have helped in this instance – the SCR with its prohibited teacher check column was passed in April and May 2018 – post this particular new check being brought out, and no mention was made of this issue in either Inspection. Inconsistent.


6 Part 3. Welfare, health and safety of pupils

6.17(b) the arrangements made to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils at the school have regard to any guidance issued by the Secretary of State.

Clarification needed about WHY prohibited teachers checks are a safeguarding issue, as no other classroom staff need them.

Lead Inspector left the front door wide open on two occasions – was spoken to by HT and said she was not aware that it was automatic despite the four signs on the front door denoting “KEEP THE FRONT DOOR SHUT AT ALL TIMES.” Pupils brought this to the attention of staff citing safeguarding concerns. Inspectors should be aware of arrangements made to safeguard the welfare of pupils.

You can view the Ofsted Report Here: Ofsted Report 2022

7 Part 4. Suitability of staff, supply staff, and proprietors


7.1 ◼ 21(3) The information referred to in this sub-paragraph is-

7.1a–  21(3)(a) in relation to each member of staff (“S”) appointed on or after 1st May

2007, whether-

  • 1b –  21(3)(a)(iii) a check was made to establish whether S is subject to any direction made under section 128 of the 2008 Act or section 142 of the 2002 Act or any disqualification, prohibition or restriction which takes effect as if contained in such a direction;
  • 1b This does not apply to all staff. Inspectors should know and understand the purpose of the Independent School Standards. The SCR as shown to the Inspector after Section 128 was mentioned had checks placed against all staff and was cleared.
  • 1c –  21(3)(b) in relation to each member of staff (“S”), whether a check was made to establish whether S is subject to a prohibition order or an interim prohibition order, including the date on which such check was completed.
  • 1c Checks now completed with the date. All unqualified teachers under indirect supervision of Headteacher.8 Part 5. Premises of and accommodation at schools

8.1 – 23(1)(c) suitable changing accommodation and showers are provided for pupils aged 11 years or over at the start of the school year who receive physical education.

Changing accommodation is available. Showers are now complete.


9 Part 8. Quality of leadership in and management of schools

9.1 34(1) The standard about the quality of leadership and management is met if the proprietor ensures that persons with leadership and management responsibilities at the school-

9.2 34(1)(a) demonstrate good skills and knowledge appropriate to their role so that the independent school standards are met consistently;

Previous two inspections passed all ISS with SCR/prohibited teacher check as is. Ofsted should meet inspection criteria consistently.

9.3 34(1)(b) fulfill their responsibilities effectively so that the independent school standards are met consistently; and

10 Additional comments:

10.1 During the inspection, the HT brought up Inspectors attitudes to the children. During the initial phone call, it was made very clear that many of the children attending this school suffer from extreme anxiety as diagnosed by a medical professional as well as many children suffering from trauma born about by previous schools – anxiety based school refusers. In order to help mitigate the extra anxieties caused by an inspection, staff introduced Inspectors on Day 2 prior to the Inspectors meeting with pupils.


10.2 Post that meeting, a number of children complained about Inspectors attitudes and questions. They felt “set up”, that the questioners were “aggressive”, they felt “trapped” ,“she made me feel uncomfortable” and that Inspector had “tried to trick me.” These are direct quotes as noted down by members of staff. When brought up in the Inspection, HT/DHT were told that Inspectors had not meant it. This is a clear lack of understanding around children’s needs and unacceptable, especially as they had been told by the Inspector that the Inspection was “all about them.”


10.3 Lead Inspectors habit of typing very loudly was brought to her attention; unfortunately, it upset and bothered a few of the children with sensory issues; especially when drumming fingers on desk throughout an observation.